1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 8, 2004 6:56 AM by kleibl



      I've been reviewing current postings on installing the JBOSS-IDE with Eclipse, but I don't think I see a response to the issue I'm having. I'm using Eclipse v2.1.2. I would like to install the JBOSS-IDE. I found directions which tell me to complete the following steps:

      1. Click Help—>Software Updates—>Update Manager.
      2. In the Feature Updates view, right click and select New—>Site Bookmark.
      3. Select an unused name for the bookmark and then set the bookmark at http://jboss.sourceforge.net/jbosside/updates.
      4. Expand the bookmark that was added and select JBoss-IDE 1.0/Eclipse 2.1.
      5. You should now see the available versions of the plugin. Select the latest version.
      6. You will be prompted to restart Eclipse.

      Unfortunately, I can't get past step 3. When I try to expand the bookmark, it tells me there were errors accessing the site. I have added my proxy to the Preferences section, but this seems to have made no difference. Is there anything I might be doing wrong?

        • 1. Re: Installation

          are you sure that your proxy lets out java programs? our was configured to allow only User-Agent containig the string Mozilla.
          therefore we forced the admin to add Java/1.4.2 (or different version) string. and it works

          maybe it will work for you aswell

          good luck