0 Replies Latest reply on Apr 13, 2004 12:08 PM by ikestrel

    JBossIDE build files


      The build files have hard coded paths in them which makes it kind of hard to work with. Here is some modifications to get rid of the hard coded files.

      In the top of the file add:

      <path id="eclipse.plugins.libs">
       <fileset dir="${eclipse.home}/plugins" includes="**/*.jar"/>

      Also... why is does it not fail on javac error? That seems like it is dangerous and can cause confusion.

      I then broke out the classpath for the javac task:

      <javac destdir="/org-jboss-ide-eclipse-core.jar.bin" failonerror="" verbose="" debug="" includeAntRuntime="no" bootclasspath="">
       <src path="src/"/>
       <path refid="eclipse.plugins.libs"/>
       <pathelement path="../org.apache.xalan/bin;../org.apache.xalan/xalan.jar;../org.apache.xalan/xercesImpl.jar;../org.apache.xalan/xml-apis.jar"/>

      with a path refid for the plugin libs, and then a pathelement for any other jars that are required.

      This should work in most any environment--just make sure the eclipse.home property is set. If you're inside eclipse, this should be done for you.

      You have to make the above changes to the build.xml files in all projects except feature.

      There is more that could be done in the build files (remove all the duplication) but this should help to get rid of the hard coded paths so anyone can build.