1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 7, 2005 9:46 AM by maxfgh

    Generate taglib.tld using JBOSS Eclipse IDE 1.4.1.e30


      I have spent a lot of time trying to get the .tld file generated from my tag lib Java source.

      1) in project properties, XDoclet Configuration, I have a config for my generation. A webdoclet is defined and contains a fileset and a jsptaglib element.

      2) the fileset element contains the proper dir element pointing to my source files. (**/*Tag.java)

      3) the jsptaglib element contains the minimum: the short name and the destination file (test.tld)

      4) the java files contains the comment

      * @jsp:tag name="test" bodycontent="JSP" tag-class="taglib.TestTag"
      just before the class definition and the comment
      * @jsp:attribute name="value" required="true" rtexprvalue="true" type="java.lang.String"
      just before the setter setValue of the class.

      When executing the generation, a test.tld is generated but it doesn't contains the ... portion. Only this is generated:


      What am I missing?

