1. Re: Re: Seam support in the JSP editor
mculpepper Dec 17, 2005 9:31 PM (in response to maxandersen)From what I remember, accessing annotations from the JDT source model was pretty lacking in Eclipse 3.1... (aka, I think you could only do it from the DOM and not the actual IJavaElement etc)
I think Eclipse 3.2 has solved this issue by making source-level annotations directly accesible from IMethod / IField / ICompilationUnit.
For convenience sake I'll post an actual link to Gavin's mentioned JIRA task:
As for a direct response to Gavin's feature request -- I think that it is a great idea, but we may want to start talking about a standalone Seam IDE that would integrate this sort of functionality. Our JSP editor is no longer "ours" (i.e... integrated from WTP), so a customized Seam JSP editor would make sense in the domain of a Seam IDE sub-project. If we can get an initial feature set agreed upon, we can post the desired functionality here on the dev forums and JIRA and try to garner interest / contributors from the Seam & JBossIDE communities.
So, it's not that the functionality he's asking for is incredibally hard, only that we just don't have the resources for it at the moment, so we'll need to entice the communities =)
Gavin, does this sound like something you'd want to pursue? -
2. Re: Re: Seam support in the JSP editor
maxandersen Dec 18, 2005 12:57 AM (in response to maxandersen)Well, don't know if there should be a "full" Seam IDE for it - just adding/extending the JSP editing facilities (if possible) would be enough at least in the beginning.
3. Re: Seam support in the JSP editor
perwik Dec 29, 2006 4:18 AM (in response to maxandersen)BUMP
Did anything ever happen to this? -
4. Re: Re: Seam support in the JSP editor
maxandersen Dec 29, 2006 4:28 AM (in response to maxandersen)nope, are you voluntering ? :)
5. Re: Seam support in the JSP editor
neerajbhatt Mar 18, 2008 5:39 AM (in response to maxandersen)I am in the process of doing similar type of task.
We are working on WTP 3.0 M4 JSF editor.
Through extension points we have enhanced context menu in the relevant JSF components to browse beans and bean properties .
Once you select these beans/bean properties the underlying JSF code changes automatically.
Also we have given option in context menu to select transitions from page flow file of seam frame work.
We have created our own extension points to give above functionallity but
popupMenuContributor extension available in org.eclipse.jst.pagedesigner plugin of WTP can also be used to create context menu in JSF .
Although right now popupMenuContributor is having a blocking bug https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=221197 .
I have submitted a patch for this bug ,once it gets commited then popupMenuContributor can be used to give same capabilities.