3 Replies Latest reply on Jan 6, 2006 3:55 PM by mculpepper

    bugfix release needed


      Hi guys,

      and especially

      requires us/me to do a release of the hibernate tools ASAP since it basically only makes it possible to run a codegeneration launch once and will result in bad property naming if users choose to provide their own naming strategy.

      This should be possible by me just doing a bump of my version numbers and add the updated feature release to the updatesite... anyone seeing any problems by doing so ?

        • 1. Re: bugfix release needed

          "my version numbers" means the org.hibernate.xxx plugins and the feature - it won't touch any jbpm,aop,jbosside stuff.

          The question is just what about the 1.5 final ...should it have a 1.5.1 quick release or should we just tell people to use theupdatesite or download the beta4 of the tools ?

          • 2. Re: bugfix release needed

            Go for it -- you might want to make an announcement on the forums as well

            • 3. Re: bugfix release needed

              Just make an announcement that there's an update to hibernate tools and we can provide the new version on the stable update site (re-packaging JBossIDE would be a pain.. I have some bugs I want fixed before that happens)