1. Re: HQLAnalyzer ?
leonceeo May 16, 2006 4:13 AM (in response to maxandersen)Max, it should be pretty straightforward..
I just need the lexer interface which you've mentioned looking aprox. like below. A good deal of code for the lexer can be taken from HqlSyntax. At a later point maybe even HqlSyntax could reuse the same lexer....
But for now, this is the minimal interface which the HqlAnalyzer needs:
HqlLexer {
int SELECT_ID; // Take them from HqlTokenContext
int FROM_ID;
int nextTokenId()
int getTokenOffset()
int getTokenLength();
void load(String)
That's all. The harder part is understanding HqlAnalyzer I think ;) -
2. Re: HQLAnalyzer ?
leonceeo May 16, 2006 4:15 AM (in response to maxandersen)BTW, we will need some commons module where to put that code. Most probably, I will reuse it as a library.
3. Re: HQLAnalyzer ?
maxandersen May 16, 2006 5:46 AM (in response to maxandersen)I were thinking of putting it in
org.hibernate.tools.ide.completion (which would become part of hibernate-tools.jar)
...i'm looking into if we can/should use the hqllexer we have in the hibernate core. -
4. Re: HQLAnalyzer ?
maxandersen May 28, 2006 5:42 AM (in response to maxandersen)leon, you said something about components not being properly completed....I can't seem to find a problem with those. Could you elaborate on it ?
5. Re: HQLAnalyzer ?
leonceeo May 29, 2006 9:14 AM (in response to maxandersen)sorry max, i'm in romania right and don't have my laptop with me, so i cannot reproduce it properly ;).
i remember that i had some problems with a collection of values (select organization join organization.members member where member.| => member attributes were not displayed).
hope that i remember correctly, and that was the problem -
6. Re: HQLAnalyzer ?
maxandersen May 29, 2006 10:04 AM (in response to maxandersen)it seems like there is an issue with this...so you remembered correctly ;)
7. Re: HQLAnalyzer ?
maxandersen May 29, 2006 10:16 AM (in response to maxandersen)...and it is now fixed ;)