3 Replies Latest reply on Oct 17, 2006 1:08 PM by jdepping

    PostgreSQL 8.1 JBoss-IDE HQL-Editor does not work


      i use postgresql version 8.1.3 with jdbc-Driver postgresql-8.1-407jdbc3.jar,
      JBoss IDE 2.0.0 for the Hibernate Tools with the jdk1.4. This jdk i have to use!

      In my hibernate.cfg.xml i set the
      driverclass, password, connectionurl=jdbc:postgresql://localhost/jboss
      and the dialect to PostgreSQLDialect.

      The Error ist always:
      ERROR main org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter - ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored util end of transaction block.

      And the console shows the Warning:
      WARN main org.hibernate.util.JDBCEceptionReporter - SQL Error:0 SQLState 25P0

      The following features are correct:
      In the Hibernate Configuration View i see my databasetable.
      I can open the Database node with my tables.
      I can use the reverse engineering.
      But i can't use the hql-Editor or the Hibernate Entity Model.

      What is my fault?
      - Do i have to add something in my hibernate.cfg.xml?
      - Do i have to use another jdbc Driver?

      Please help
