3 Replies Latest reply on Jul 20, 2007 4:06 AM by edx

    Where is the latest JBossWS plug-in being developed?


      I've been playing around with the nightly builds for the new JBoss Tools plug-ins which I've been able to gather are destined for RedHat Developer Studio. My question is where is the plug-in tooling for working with JBossWS? There doesn't seem to be a separate plug-in being developed. Each of the distinct plug-ins found at the URL below focus on everything *but* tooling for developing for the JBossWS stack.


      I've found the separate JBossWS Eclipse plug-in 0.4.1 at the following location. However, this version was developed for Eclipse 3.2.1 and simply doesn't work in the latest release of Eclipse, 3.3.


      Is anyone updating this plug-in to work with RedHat Developer Studio or never versions of Eclipse? If so, where can the build be found?

      Thanks. Any input would be appreciated.
