1. Re: Where is the latest JBossWS plug-in being developed?
omatzura Jul 9, 2007 8:30 PM (in response to steve167)Hi Steve,
thanks for your interest in the JBossWS plug-in.. we are working on an updated version that will work in eclipse 3.3, together with support for the new JAX-WS-related toolset.. We'll keep this forum posted on our progress..
eviware.com -
2. Re: Where is the latest JBossWS plug-in being developed?
steve167 Jul 9, 2007 10:26 PM (in response to steve167)Do you have a policy of making your "work in progress" available? That is, do you have a non-release build that I could access?
What sort of release schedule can you provide?
Thanks! -
3. Re: Where is the latest JBossWS plug-in being developed?
edx Jul 20, 2007 4:06 AM (in response to steve167)I have downloaded SoapUI plugin version 1.7.5beta from Eviware and discovered it works with JBossWS-tools 1.2.1 on JbossAS-42 also for JAX-RPC style. I used Europa with JBossTools nightly builds 200707171246.
The problem I encountered is that JbossWStools 1.2.1 startup script does not define all necessary jars in classpath, must be a little bit tuned :-)