11 Replies Latest reply on Jun 7, 2003 11:17 AM by rtvkuijk




      I really think we need components (but I already said that in other threads). For example, take a look at these snapshots:


      They really express, IMO, the power of these components in a purely administrative framework. (main entry point for these snapshot is the first quote on this page:


      So, let's try to define a first set of components. It won't be exhaustive (and shouldn't) but should allow the implementation of simple admin pages.

      Let's first focus on the displaying of information, statistics and configuration but *not yet* on the management part (creation of new Queues, deployment of applications, etc.)

      - CSS (or style) component (so we can switch to another style quickly)
      - Tab view control: allow to switch between "sheets" on a same page (allow to categorize information)
      - Properties displayer: show different properties with their value(s) (possible more than one column) so that MBean can provide unconstrained set of statistics/infos. Should allow data to be sorted by any column.
      - Graphing component: use source data, etc. and render a GIF/JPEG of these data. This can be pure JSP/Servlet if necessary.

      Some of these components may already exist in Tapestry or may need to be extended.

      Please complete this list with your suggestions.

      It is important, for Tapestry 2.4, to look at the readme file and examples as the documentation is not yet out.

      Stay tuned... ;)

        • 1. Re: Components

          What about an extended Hint (or an extended tool tips?)
          Available for any tapestry component?

          Attached, an example.


          • 2. Re: Components

            Oups, here is the attachment :)

            • 3. Re: Components

              I have to warn you that tapestry built in security
              is very poor, only a validate() method on each

              You won't be able to use web based JAAS authentication since tapestry URL do not fit there.

              In addition, when you have a page and forward to another page (in a listener for instance), validate() will be called on the first one before listener is called and when second page comes, validate() won't be called.

              When I did forums, I coded some stuff that might interest you, it integrates JAAS and LoginContext with tapestry.


              • 4. Re: Components

                On s'en fout, et prend pas autant de place sur le bureau avec ton laptop ;)

                • 5. Re: Components

                  I would like to know if the components caracteristics have
                  been decided? component :
                  - name,
                  - attributs
                  - behaviours

                  Moreover, which browsers/platforms are targetted?

                  Finally, is there some examples of JBoss/Tapestry components available with CVS? Which file should be in which directory? Is there a test page that uses all the
                  wished components?


                  • 6. Re: Components

                    Components have not yet been decided, we can start speaking about it if you want. Let's start with any resource to manage.

                    Platform: anything that runs on JDK 1.3.x, in a first step, if people using JBoss don't have a decent JVM on their workstation, too bad. In the future, if we want to take care of them, we may found other solutions quite easily. One problem at a time.

                    There are no example right now, it is our job to implement them!

                    I am still in Atlanta right now, I will start working more on this as I come back.



                    • 7. Re: Components

                      I agree with the post, Sacha, but here is another angle to the whole admin thingy:

                      We need to be able to have custom app mx console views based on a need-to-know basis. Everything is nice for development, but too much for (customer) administration. The whole view on the components should at least be abstracted so that configuration groups can be administered and secured (and last but not least: hidden).


                      • 8. Re: Components

                        I might be way off here, but what can be done about the aspect thing in terms of adding/removing/narrowing mgmt capabilities for an mbean? Like ((AdminRights) o).edit() versus ((ClientRights) o).view(), or even having separate rights on mgmt of mbeans based on aspect, but with the same method signatures?

                        • 9. Re: Components

                          Hello thomas,

                          You are right, good idea. Nothing is there for now though. I add this to the "idea-list" for the future.



                          • 10. Re: Components

                            For those who want an overview of component models in the open-source department:



                            • 11. Re: Components

                              any progress on selecting components? I'm looking a little into the management aspect of jms and need to develop some 'views' now .