2 Replies Latest reply on Apr 23, 2003 5:17 PM by jeremypitten

    JSR77 : Inter-EJB Relationships


      Is there any generic (non-jboss specific) way of identifying which EJBModule deploymentDescriptor element relates to which EntityBean J2EEManagedObject?

      Let me put that another way...

      I've parsed a EJBModule deployment descriptor and find that it contains a number of elements, as expected the number matches the number of EJB J2EEManagedObjects referenced by the EJBModule. How do I determine which element relates to which EJB ManagedObject?

      Why the question?

      I have a J2EE Management Client which is trying to build a management model that illustrates both the managedObject containment hierarchy and the managedObject service hierarchy (by service hierarchy I simply mean to illustrate which ejb is dependent on the service of which ejb/resource). The client is building the service hierarchy by parsing the various deployment descriptors and assessing the EJBs and J2EEResources referenced by each EJB.

      Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


        • 1. Re: JSR77 : Inter-EJB Relationships

          I just changed the code for the 4.0 development branch (HEAD) to make the name of the EJB ManagedObjects the same as the ejb-name from the ejb-jar.xml descriptor.

          I will also be part of the 3.2.1 release.

          To determine which element relates to which EJB ManagedObject use the ejb-name element and then find the EJB object where :

          1) J2EEType=EntityBean
          2) name= ejb-name value from descriptor.

          • 2. Re: JSR77 : Inter-EJB Relationships

            Thanks for the response.

            Having consulted the jsr77 spec again I see that specification of the ObjectName name keyProperty is left to the platform vendor so this represents a jboss specific solution.

            I understand that there are other 'vendor-specifc' ways of determining which deployment descriptor element relates to which ejb managed object I was just hoping there would be a generic workround.

            Are there other reasons for changing the ejb ObjectName naming from jndi-name to entity-name?

            Thanks again.