2 Replies Latest reply on Jul 12, 2006 7:34 PM by starksm64

    ProfileService persistence


      I'm to the point where I need to write out the parsed Deployment for a given Profile. XML, Java Serialization, and JPA/EJB3 are the choices. Since the MC objects are mostly JavaBeans, I took a quick look at the little known JavaBean XMLEncoder/XMLDecoder (a good overview of which is here: http://java.sun.com/products/jfc/tsc/articles/persistence4/). While usable it would require a fair amount of custom persisters and end up coupling deployers to the ProfileService persistence mechanism too strongly.

      For now I'm going to punt to Java Serialization, but we need to consider if we want an XML based store, or JPA.

        • 1. Re: ProfileService persistence

          I would think JPA would be the natural choice. We have a persistence mechanism (JPA), why not leverage it over writing the XML based store? 'Eat our own dogfood' as it were.

          • 2. Re: ProfileService persistence

            We have jbossxb as well so there is only our dog food on the menu. The issue is whether one will have to use tools to edit the resulting persistent configuration. For JPA that is the only choice as I don't consider going into the db via sql as viable. For XML, there is a better chance of being able to edit the configurations independent of tools.