0 Replies Latest reply on Jun 12, 2008 3:57 AM by sflanigan

    Internationalisation of JBoss web/jmx consoles



      I'm part of the Red Hat internationalisation team, and I have been working on internationalising the Web and JMX consoles. Details, along with the patch, are here: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-5576

      Obviously, I would like to get the patch merged before the bits go rotten, so I would appreciate any help with getting this into an acceptable form.

      I would also appreciate opinions on whether internationalisation should be part of the JBoss build. See the JIRA issue for details, but essentially I need to know whether string-extraction and ResourceBundle-generation should be part of the standard build (which may require native utilities like "msgcat") (option A) or whether keeping such concerns largely separate from the source tree is better (option B).

      Option B is what I've got at the moment, partly because it's less work. Translated ResourceBundles would be checked into svn, and included in ordinary builds, but updating the translations would require running different build scripts against the JBoss source tree.

      Option A would require integrating a custom Ant task into the JBoss build scripts, and/or depending on native code, which is probably... difficult.

      Any comments?

