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1. Re: unable to programatically deploy a war from outside $SER
emuckenhuber Jun 26, 2009 5:53 AM (in response to lkrejci)URLs outside the SERVER_HOME are not handled any different - so this different behavior you described seems quite unlikely.
Can you describe a bit more what you are doing so that i can reproduce that? -
2. Re: unable to programatically deploy a war from outside $SER
lkrejci Jun 26, 2009 6:41 AM (in response to lkrejci)In Jopr, we're using the same deployment method regardless of whether we run embedded in the admin console or in the remote agent.
The deployment boils down to deployArchive() method.
This method would cause the symptoms I mentioned above if run from the agent (i.e. from different JVM on the same machine) and the provided archiveFile would point outside $SERVER_HOME.