3 Replies Latest reply on Nov 14, 2009 4:36 PM by rareddy

    How can I programaticlly add "config-property" to a Connecti


      I am trying to create a connection factory using a program. I could add all the defined properties that are defined on "DeploymentTemplateInfo" object for that ConnectionFactory. I also wanted to add few "config-property" properties, but the resulting template does not seem to write these properties. Here is the sample code I am using

      public void addConnectionFactory(String deploymentName, Properties properties) throws AdminException{
       try {
       DeploymentTemplateInfo info = getView().getTemplate("NoTxConnectionFactoryTemplate");
       Map<String, ManagedProperty> propertyMap = info.getProperties();
       for (String key:propertyMap.keySet()) {
       String v = properties.getProperty(key);
       if (v != null) {
       ManagedProperty p = propertyMap.get(key);
       DefaultFieldsImpl fields = new DefaultFieldsImpl("my-property");
       fields.setDescription("My Custom Property");
       fields.setField(Fields.READ_ONLY, Boolean.FALSE);
       ManagedPropertyImpl mp = new ManagedPropertyImpl(fields);
       info.getProperties().put("config-property", mp);
       getView().applyTemplate(deploymentName, info);
       } catch(Exception e) {
       // handle exception

      surely the above code does not work. Can somebody please tell me how I can insert a "config-property" such that when the "-ds.xml" file is written it is written in there.

      Thank you.
