0 Replies Latest reply on Jan 1, 2002 12:00 AM by triathlon98

    Wanted to see JBoss Implementation source for EJBs


      Not sure if this is an ejb3 problem or not but...

      Using version 4.01RC1, when I run the all configuration, I don't get any of the services declared in the /farm/cluster-examples-services.xml file working. I'm new to farming etc, so I may be wrong here, but I've renamed the file eg, "test-service.xml" and taken out all comments - even though all the services look as if they are uncommented anyway! - and then I begin to see the services activated. Still getting exceptions though.

      any advice? - anyone see this working? I've successfully deployed ejb3 files so this might affect it, alternatively it may just be a 4.0.1RC1 issue
      any help much appreciated,