1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 26, 2006 5:51 PM by weston.price

    Hidden exception in DLQHandler.createSevice


      A discussion of a JBoss Messaging issue related to EJB3 MDBs (http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=80525) resulted in a proposed patch to DLQHandler.createSevice to log the exception that is thrown because even though it is linked to a JMSException, it never shows up anywhere in the log files. If this is agreeable, let me know and I will open a JIRA issue and submit the patch.

      Proposed patch, new line in red:

      protected void createService() throws Exception
       catch (Exception e)
       if (e instanceof JMSException)
       throw e;
       log.error("Error creating the dlq connection", e);
       JMSException x = new JMSException("Error creating the dlq connection: " + e.getMessage());
       throw x;