2 Replies Latest reply on Jun 2, 2005 11:10 AM by dimitris

    MT-change to JBossManagedConnectionPool.BasePool.getConnecti


      Possible races condition in enlist(), when trackByTx is true, are probably caused one step back while a ConnectionListener is checkout from the ManagedConnectionPool.

      I understand that 2 threads in the same Tx could both get a different managed connection, so I'm considering re-writing BasePool.getConnection(..) to temporarily lock on the ThreadLocal when trackByTx is active.

      Code now

       public ConnectionListener getConnection(Transaction transaction, Subject subject, ConnectionRequestInfo cri)
       throws ResourceException
       // Determine the pool key for this request
       boolean separateNoTx = false;
       if (noTxSeparatePools)
       separateNoTx = clf.isTransactional();
       Object key = getKey(subject, cri, separateNoTx);
       InternalManagedConnectionPool mcp = getPool(key, subject, cri);
       // Are we doing track by connection?
       TransactionLocal trackByTx = null;
       if (transaction != null)
       trackByTx = (TransactionLocal) trackByTxPools.get(key);
       // Do we have a previous connection in this transaction?
       if (trackByTx != null)
       ConnectionListener cl = (ConnectionListener) trackByTx.get(transaction);
       if (cl != null)
       if (traceEnabled)
       dump("Getting connection tracked by transaction " + cl);
       return cl;
       // Get a connection from the correct pool
       ConnectionListener cl = mcp.getConnection(subject, cri);
       // Are we tracking by connection?
       if (transaction != null && trackByTx != null)
       if (traceEnabled)
       dump("Getting connection from pool " + cl);
       return cl;

      Changed to

       * Return a connection from the pool, optionally tracked by a transaction
       public ConnectionListener getConnection(Transaction transaction, Subject subject, ConnectionRequestInfo cri)
       throws ResourceException
       // The connection listener to return
       ConnectionListener cl;
       // Use separate pools, if noTxSeparatePools configured in the
       // BasePool and the ConnectionListenerFactory is transactional
       boolean separateNoTx = false;
       if (noTxSeparatePools)
       separateNoTx = clf.isTransactional();
       // The overriding subclass determines the pool key for this request
       Object key = getKey(subject, cri, separateNoTx);
       // Get the pool for this particular key, create it first if needed
       InternalManagedConnectionPool mcp = getPool(key, subject, cri);
       // Are we tracking connection by transaction?
       // TxConnectionManager will pass a non-null transaction if there
       // is a transaction associated with the thread and the connection
       // manager is configured to trackConnectionByTx
       if (transaction != null)
       TransactionLocal trackByTx = (TransactionLocal) trackByTxPools.get(key);
       if (trackByTx != null)
       // If trackByTx we need to synchronize competing threads
       // on the TransactionLocal, so they end up using the same
       // ConnectionListener/ManagedConnection
       // Do we have a previous connection in this transaction?
       cl = (ConnectionListener) trackByTx.get(transaction);
       // If yes use it, if no get a one from the pool
       if (cl != null)
       if (traceEnabled)
       log.trace("Getting existing connection tracked by transaction");
       // Get a new connection (listener) from the pool
       cl = mcp.getConnection(subject, cri);
       // Mark that is tracked by transaction
       // Store the connection listener to the TransactionLocal
       if (traceEnabled)
       log.trace("Getting a connection from the pool to track the transaction");
       // Weird, can happen only if BasePool.getTransationManager()
       // returns null, while constructing the TransactionLocal in
       // getPool(). Treat as if trackByTx is disabled
       if (traceEnabled)
       log.trace("TrackByTx true, but no TransactionManager associated with the pool;" +
       " getting a connection from the pool");
       // Get a new connection (listener) from the pool
       cl = mcp.getConnection(subject, cri);
       // Not tracking connection by transaction
       if (traceEnabled)
       log.trace("Getting a connection from the pool");
       // Get a connection from the correct pool
       cl = mcp.getConnection(subject, cri);
       if (traceEnabled)
       dump("Returning connection " + cl);
       return cl;

        • 1. Re: MT-change to JBossManagedConnectionPool.BasePool.getConn

          Ok. But can I suggest a different approach.

          Rather than getting us to validate every change you make to the software
          by forcing us to read your patches, use the following alogorithm:

          1) I think I've found a problem
          2) Write a test that reproduces the problem
          3) Write some stress tests to measure the performance (both contended and uncontended)
          4) Fix the problem
          5) Rerun the unit test to make sure it is fixed
          6) Rerun the stress test to make sure you haven't introduced a bottleneck in the uncontended case or a deadlock in the contended case

          NOTE: The contended case in (3) will likely fail as well if there is a real MT problem.
          NOTE 2: We do read your patches on the cvs commit mailing list anyway

          • 2. Re: MT-change to JBossManagedConnectionPool.BasePool.getConn

            Ok, thanks.