45. Re: Quartz, timer unification, message inflow RAR
weston.price Jul 12, 2006 1:11 PM (in response to starksm64)
The idea of this RAR is that it is portable to *ANY Java EE Vendor*.
Of course it is. That's what a RAR is, that's what a RAR gives you.
All this RAR is a simpler User API for using Quartz so that a quartz job can post to an MDB. Nothing more.
Ok, that's fine. Again, and this probably should have been a seperate threaad, but all I was saying is that the JIRA task:
should be pushed back from the 4.0.5 release. Again, this was in response to QA requesting that all non-critical tasks be moved so we can focus on 5.0.
Yes, it is bare bones, but it works. And, it is documented somewhat as a EJB3 tutorial.
Ok. Did you let anyone know about these tests, the documentation for the adapter? I don't regularly peruse the EJB3 project, so, I am not sure how I would have known this unless you posted this somewhere. If you feel these test are adequate for the 4.0.x release, so be it.
To be honest, since all you guys have been assholes about this crap, then do whatever the hell you want. I seriously don't care anymore.
Sorry you feel that way, but unfortunately the Quartz RAR was checked into the connector project, not in varia, not in EJB3. Believe me, if I could make it go away, I would. However, it ended up 'appearing' right before a 4.0.4 release, and was tentativly slated for the next 4.0.5 release. Again, this is *NOT* about getting rid fo the RAR no matter how much you want to make it look like that. It is about pushing back the task of getting it production ready to a later release. -
46. Re: Quartz, timer unification, message inflow RAR
bill.burke Jul 12, 2006 3:02 PM (in response to starksm64)As far as package/module goes:
We already discussed this a long time ago. You said you'd move it to the appropriate place.
Move it anywhere, just keep the code around. It doesn't have to be a part of the distro, but it does need to be deployed so that the tests can run. -
47. Re: Quartz, timer unification, message inflow RAR
weston.price Jul 12, 2006 3:27 PM (in response to starksm64)
As far as package/module goes:
We already discussed this a long time ago. You said you'd move it to the appropriate place.
You have an interesting memory :-) What we discussed was the adapter itself. Not where it would end up in CVS, and we most certainly didn't discuss in what version of JBoss it would be released. I don't mind keeping it in connector, just as long as it's not deployed into AS by default which is where the whole issue came from in the first place.
...it does need to be deployed so that the tests can run.
I see the following in ejb3
QuartzMDBean (the listener)
QuartzTest (SLSB remote interface)
QuartzTestBean (the bean itself)
and the following test case:public void testQuartz() throws Exception { QuartzTest test = (QuartzTest)InitialContextFactory.getInitialContext().lookup("QuartzTestBean/remote"); Thread.sleep(5000); // sleep so that quartz mdb runs. assertTrue(test.wasCalled()); }
Doing a basic validation that a Job was excecuted and the MDB received the message. Is this it, or is there something else in the tutorial or in testsuite? I don't see any Quartz RAR related doc in the EJB3 project or in the EJB tutorial, did I miss something? -
48. Re: Quartz, timer unification, message inflow RAR
weston.price Jul 12, 2006 3:35 PM (in response to starksm64)Moved Quartz RAR to seperate thread.
http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=86667 -
49. Re: Quartz, timer unification, message inflow RAR
tom.baeyens Aug 31, 2006 11:38 AM (in response to starksm64)am i correct in summarizing that the conclusion is we were going to start on our own internal timer SPI ?
i found a reference to http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-3207 in this topic. the fisheye tab seems to contain references to the initial work by Weston, but yet i don't find this jbosscx directory in HEAD of cvs. am i looking in the right place ?
jbosscx/src/main/org/jboss/resource/spi/timer/CancelTimerListener.java 1.1 added
jbosscx/src/main/org/jboss/resource/spi/timer/StopTimerListener.java 1.1 added
jbosscx/src/main/org/jboss/resource/spi/timer/Timer.java 1.1 added
jbosscx/src/main/org/jboss/resource/spi/timer/TimerData.java 1.1 added
jbosscx/src/main/org/jboss/resource/spi/timer/TimerDate.java 1.1 added
jbosscx/src/main/org/jboss/resource/spi/timer/TimerDateFormat.java 1.1 added
jbosscx/src/main/org/jboss/resource/spi/timer/TimerExcecutionContext.java 1.1 added
jbosscx/src/main/org/jboss/resource/spi/timer/TimerException.java 1.1 added
jbosscx/src/main/org/jboss/resource/spi/timer/TimerListener.java 1.1 added
jbosscx/src/main/org/jboss/resource/spi/timer/TimerManager.java 1.1 added
jbosscx/src/main/org/jboss/resource/spi/timer/TimerPeriod.java 1.1 added
jbosscx/src/main/org/jboss/resource/spi/timer/TimerProperty.java 1.1 added
jbosscx/src/main/org/jboss/resource/spi/timer/TimerPropertyKey.java 1.1 added
jbosscx/src/main/org/jboss/resource/timer/QuartzSchedulerLoaderAdapter.java 1.1 added
jbosscx/src/main/org/jboss/resource/timer/SchedulerLoaderAdapter.java 1.1 added
jbosscx/src/main/org/jboss/resource/timer/TimerManagerMBean.java 1.1 added
jbosscx/src/main/org/jboss/resource/timer/TimerManagerService.java 1.1 added -
50. Re: Quartz, timer unification, message inflow RAR
tom.baeyens Sep 1, 2006 11:10 AM (in response to starksm64)here's the main reasons why i opted to revise our own implementation over quartz: http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=3968946#3968946
note that our own implementation is only targetted at the standard java platform. we have a pluggable interface for async messages and timers. for the enterprise platform, we will be supplying a JMS and EJB Timer based bridges as first priorities.
maybe later if it turns out to be an advantage, we could also build a bridge to the jboss internal timer SPI as it is in the making if i understand correctly. -
51. Re: Quartz, timer unification, message inflow RAR
adrian.brock Apr 1, 2008 12:27 PM (in response to starksm64)According to this thread the code moved to the jboss-jca project.
But I don't see it there.
The code in the jboss5 connector project is still the initial check in and hasn't moved
since then.
If nobody is going to work on this further, then I'm going to tag and delete this code.
As it stands it doesn't do anything.
You have a couple of weeks to make me change my mind. ;-) -
52. Re: Quartz, timer unification, message inflow RAR
wolfc Apr 1, 2008 2:09 PM (in response to starksm64)With the upcoming EJB 3.1 there are new demands on the timer service. These are not addressed by this SPI. I also agree with Tom that Quartz has too many weak spots.