1. Re: DataSource/ConnectionFactory programmatic deployment
adrian.brock Apr 27, 2006 6:02 AM (in response to weston.price)Don't take the RAR way of doing things to seriously.
It was one of the first things to use JBossXB which means it uses
a very old way of doing it and there are some mistakes in the way
it was done.
Yes, we want a POJO model for the connection factory.
This should be instantiatable programmatically and then passed to
a factory to create the real thing.
The POJO model is just metadata.
The XSL sucks.
1) I don't want to create an XML DOM so I can deploy a connection factory
2) I don't want to program configuration using XSL, I want to use java
3) The -ds.xml is practically unvalidatible
We should have:
Model -> Factory/Deployer -> The real service
no xml involved.
On top of that we can build a JBoss deployer that does:
xml -> model
somebody else can build
.properties -> model
my.xml -> model
or whatever they want
The XML->model should really be using a JBossXB SchemaBinding.
Which can either use a SchemaBindingInitializer or it can
use an annotated schema.
Eventually, this will just be an "ease of use" deployment in the
xml -> model -> microcontainer metadata
with the model implementing BeanMetaDataFactory
which will mean that the model can be constructed and validated
outside JBoss (e.g. in a management tool) before somebody
attempts to deploy it (including calculating other dependencies). -
2. Re: DataSource/ConnectionFactory programmatic deployment
weston.price Apr 27, 2006 8:37 AM (in response to weston.price)Ok, based upon this would it make sense to consider creating an XSD for our *-ds.xml deployments. This would make it much easier to deal with this stuff, especially, as you pointed out in terms of validation.
3. Re: DataSource/ConnectionFactory programmatic deployment
vickyk Jul 11, 2007 8:47 AM (in response to weston.price)So after going though the entire list of JCA/MC related posts I understand the
new flow to be implemented as
-ds.xml->Model(Using JAXB)->Factory/Deployer(based on jboss-jca)->(Deployed Service)
I have been interacting with Weston and I understand that he had started working on JCA/MC integration but I am not aware upto what level he has finished.
I am not sure from where to continue on this tasks as I don't want to write what probabily Weston would have done .
Adrain , can you give some directions from where to start it . -
4. Re: DataSource/ConnectionFactory programmatic deployment
adrian.brock Jul 11, 2007 9:20 AM (in response to weston.price)"vickyk" wrote:
Adrain , can you give some directions from where to start it .
I am not "A drain' :-)
The answer is not really, because I don't know what Weston has done
either in JBoss5 or jboss-jca.
The main thing he seemed to be working on was the RARMetaDataRepository
and the Abstract support for the inflow (again see other posts).
I do know there's some bugs missing from JBoss5 that are in JBoss4
in the old stylesheet, but that is going anyway.
The dtd is also not up-to-date, but that should get replaced by a schema. -
5. Re: DataSource/ConnectionFactory programmatic deployment
vickyk Jul 11, 2007 9:38 AM (in response to weston.price)"adrian@jboss.org" wrote:
I am not "A drain' :-)
Ah ... Sorry about it , Adrian :)
Ok , let me get the jboss-jca project working on my local system , once it is done I will continue working on the JCA/AOP/MC stuff integration , this looks lot of rework ... will take in parts .
Why is jboss-jca not checked in the svn , later or soon this should be there , right ? -
6. Re: DataSource/ConnectionFactory programmatic deployment
adrian.brock Jul 11, 2007 9:44 AM (in response to weston.price)Add it to jbossas/projects and create a maven build for it.
The whole build needs fixing to remove any dependencies on the appserver.
Its intended to be usable with JBoss Embedded, e.g. as a JCA container inside
a Tomcat application or a standalone unit test. -
7. Re: DataSource/ConnectionFactory programmatic deployment
vickyk Jul 12, 2007 1:41 AM (in response to weston.price)"adrian@jboss.org" wrote:
Add it to jbossas/projects and create a maven build for it.
Ah , looks like Weston was almost done with it . So sort of rework
http://www.jboss.org/?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=103220 -
8. Re: DataSource/ConnectionFactory programmatic deployment
vickyk Jul 13, 2007 8:50 AM (in response to weston.price)"adrian@jboss.org" wrote:
Its intended to be usable with JBoss Embedded, e.g. as a JCA container inside
a Tomcat application or a standalone unit test.
I am done with with Maven build and noticed that the Unit Test in the project are dependent on the AS.
I am going to checkin the code in svn anytime now .
BTW should we have created a JIRA for JCA/MC mavenization task? -
9. Re: DataSource/ConnectionFactory programmatic deployment
adrian.brock Jul 13, 2007 8:53 AM (in response to weston.price)There's no reason why build related changes have to be in JIRA.
If it was a reminder/TODO then fair enough, but since it is done now,
I don't see the point. -
10. Re: DataSource/ConnectionFactory programmatic deployment
adrian.brock Jul 13, 2007 9:05 AM (in response to weston.price)You need to add a FIXME task for the tests though.
11. Re: DataSource/ConnectionFactory programmatic deployment
vickyk Jul 14, 2007 8:04 AM (in response to weston.price)"adrian@jboss.org" wrote:
You need to add a FIXME task for the tests though.
Do you mean to say that I should raise the JIRA task for the test which are failing ?
Maven build for the jboss-jca is checked in at jbossas/projects/jboss-jca