2 Replies Latest reply on Jan 19, 2009 10:22 AM by jhalliday

    TransactionManagerService and jndi binding

      The current TransactionManagerService has a lot of its jndi binding code

      As part of something I'm trying to do to make jca/jta lazy/optional
      for the new web-profile, I need to control the access for the TSR (transaction
      synchronization registry).

      i.e. I need to know if somebody looks it up and if it is the first use of JTA.

      If it is I bootstrap the transaction manager and give them the real TSR.

      But this isn't at all configurable.

      What I need is:
      1) a getTransactionSynchronizationRegistry() method on the TransactionManagerService
      2) a way to tell the TransactionManagerService not to bind that object.

      Ideally, all the jndi bindings (both where and how) should be controlled by configuration
      within transaction-jboss-beans.xml

        • 1. Re: TransactionManagerService and jndi binding

          > 1) a getTransactionSynchronizationRegistry() method on the TransactionManagerService

          No problem, I can do that for the next release if you sill need it

          > 2) a way to tell the TransactionManagerService not to bind that object.

          This one I have a conceptual problem with. If a component needs the TSR it can currently ensure its presence by declaring a dependency on the TransactionService. That model will break if the TransactionService can be configured to provide only selected parts of its functionality. You would, IMO, need a separate TSR service that depends on the TransactionManager. Likewise for any other JNDI binding that may become optional. Or have I misunderstood the MC model?

          • 2. Re: TransactionManagerService and jndi binding

            https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBTM-470 getTransactionSynchronizationRegistry() is done. Optional binding is not.