1. Re: ClientUserTransaction and the JTS
marklittle Jan 9, 2009 9:27 AM (in response to jhalliday)How can you change the tpc implementation? It's based on the standard from the OTS so we have no room for changing that, unless you mean that we should restrict distributed transactions from running in the client? We could (have in the past) always produce a thin-tx-client jar that knows only about the OTS.idl classes and how to manipulate that in the client abstractly, i.e., without having to have access to JBossTS implementation specific classes, but it could become a management nightmare.
2. Re: ClientUserTransaction and the JTS
jhalliday Jan 9, 2009 9:31 AM (in response to jhalliday)The tpc in question is used only internally by JBossAS, it's not the same one we use for CORBA interop. It just happens to delegate to the CORBA one because that's the least hassle implementation, but we could potentially reimplement it if we have to. That's less than ideal though.
3. Re: ClientUserTransaction and the JTS
marklittle Jan 9, 2009 9:34 AM (in response to jhalliday)OK, I'd go with stuffing it into jbossall-client.jar then ;-)