0 Replies Latest reply on Feb 25, 2009 4:58 AM by srufus

    How to edit and save jboss-esb.xml configurations from  ESBC



      Im looking to edit jboss-esb.xml configurations from either properties file or ESBConfigEditor.Can this be done in any way?
      Jboss-esb.xml can be changed from ESBConfigEditor when deployed in exploded form, but changes will be undone if we press on LOAD buttion in ConfigEditor.

      (When load bution is pressed, the changes will no ,more be available) please suggest is there a way workaround to overcome this problem.

      All i want to do is change jboss-esb.xml configurations from either ConfigEditor or properties file and save the changes made.

      Thanks for any help.
      Vasu Syagonda