4 Replies Latest reply on Mar 3, 2009 2:53 PM by starksm64

    jbossjts sources


      I don't see any source artifacts in the maven repository for the 4.6.0.CR1 for example:

      Can we start including those?

        • 1. Re: jbossjts sources

          JBossTS does not use mvn to build, so there is no direct correspondence between source and binary artifacts, particularly for the JTS which does CORBA stub/skeleton generation and such during the build. I can jar up the raw source files and include them if that is sufficient, but I don't really see it having any advantage over pulling the source tree from svn.

          • 2. Re: jbossjts sources

            We don't need the full source tree, just the java files that correspond to the classes in the jars. I was trying to see what the TransactionManagerServiceMBean looked like in jbas, and could not just open its source up from within eclipse since there was no source artifact. Its just an ease of use issue.

            • 3. Re: jbossjts sources

              My point is there is no direct correspondence between the binary .jar files and the layout of our source tree. It's tricky to produce source bundles that match to the individual .jar files. I can give you a single big source bundle but I don't know if eclipse will deal with that.

              • 4. Re: jbossjts sources

                One big source jar is fine. It does not matter if the same source jar is used by multiple binary jars as their source attachment.