1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 28, 2006 1:37 AM by aronsogor

    Calendar mail alias added to HEAD

      So I will describe this feature in the hope of getting some feedback.

      I added 3 kind of mail alias for caledaring

      Plan is PLAN.calendar@. By default it calculates start date at 08.00 using 15 minutes increments, until 17.00 looking for an hour continous free time. This alias in the above form will send all availble time slots back in an HTML email with all possible free time slot mailto urls in a TABLE(fancy ?).

      Schedule is


      This will schedule a meeting for you.

      Group Calendaring use plan and schedule, add additional emails to the To: line like jerry@localhost. IF jerry@localhost is a registered contact for a user in the calendar than jerry's schedule will be taken into consideration for PLAN, and jerry will be invited for a SCHEDULE.

      Finally Invites:
      Users who recieve a meeting invite can accept or decline an invite via email, by clicking on a link(mailto url) and send an ACCEPT..calendar@ or a DECLINE..calendar@.

        • 1. Re: Calendar mail alias added to HEAD

          This was bad missed the half of it:
          So I will describe this feature in the hope of getting some feedback.

          I added 3 kind of mail alias for caledaring

          Plan is PLAN.calendar@yourdomain. By default it calculates start date at 08.00 today using 15 minutes increments, until 17.00 looking for an hour continous free time. This alias in the above form will send all availble time slots back in an HTML email with all possible free time slot mailto urls in a TABLE(fancy ?).

          To override the defaults you can use the full alias:


          The above will search from x to y using 15 minutes chucks, 4 continous free chuck(an hour).

          you can also use partial like overrides:

          this will look from 8.00-17.00 using 1 hour chunks, looking for 1 free hour.

          Schedule is

          This will schedule a meeting for you.

          Group Calendaring use plan and schedule, add additional addresses to the To: line like jerry@localhost. IF jerry@localhost is a registered contact for a user in the calendar than jerry's schedule will be taken into consideration for PLAN, and jerry will be invited for a SCHEDULE.

          Finally Invites:
          Users who recieve a meeting invite can accept or decline an invite via email, by clicking on a link(mailto url) and send an
          ACCEPT.<eventguid>.calendar@<yourdomain>or a DECLINE.<eventguid>.calendar@<yourdomain>

          I am planing to add 2 more alias:

          This much like PLAN and SCHEDULE will use the TO: to decide who to add/invite for an existing meeting.

          Put this posting and some guys little HTML/JS/Mail Web 2.0 Ajax mail snipet to generate mailto urls for PLAN/SCHEDULE.

          Ideas, comments, jokes?