i'm working with javassist for quite some time now and I must say it is really impressive what this thing can do, and with what ease!
Anyways, I'm confronted with one problem:
My tool inserts an arbitrary series of conditional branches and some code afterwards. This means I have to precalculate the number of bytes inserted for all following conditions and the code in respect to set the branch offset. All works well unless I load a string constant using addLdc(String). In this case I am unable to precalculate whether there are 3 bytes (ldc) or 4 bytes (ldc_w) inserted, since this depends on the ConstTables state at insertion time.
I've developed a workaround for my case by extending the Bytecode class and altering its behaviour with
private ArrayList<Integer> m_branches; ... public void addBranch(int code, int branchOffset) { // branch opcode is inserted at offset getSize() m_branches.add(getSize()); addOpcode(code); add16bit(branchOffset); } private void adjustBranches(int end, int shift) { for (Integer pos : m_branches) { int branchOffset = read16bit(pos + 1); if ((pos + branchOffset) <= end) continue; write16bit(pos + 1, branchOffset + shift); } } @Override public void addLdc(int i) { if (i > 0xFF) { adjustBranches(getSize(), 1); addOpcode(LDC_W); addIndex(i); } else { addOpcode(LDC); add(i); } }
public void add16bit(int value) { value = value % 65536; add(value >> 8); add(value % 256); }