1. Re: Detached invokers are too detached from the transport
tom.elrod Jan 21, 2006 10:16 PM (in response to starksm64)Could use custom marshaller to put extra information into the invocation payload (which is basically what the InvocationUnMarshaller does). However, in this particular case, it won't work because the marshaller/unmarshaller are only passed the stream and not the actual transport object itself. So need to get the info from the SSLSocket, which is not accessible within the unmarshaller.
I've created jira issue for this in remoting (JBREM-298) -
2. Re: Detached invokers are too detached from the transport
starksm64 Feb 7, 2006 1:01 PM (in response to starksm64)See the updated PooledInvoker changes in 4.0/head and the associated org.jboss.test.pooled.test.SSLSocketsUnitTestCase. We need a similar test based on the remoting framework.
I'm not happy with coupling between the ssl socket factory, javax.net.ssl.HandshakeCompletedListener, and the proxy layer. How this ties into the jsr-196 authentication api is also a question that needs to be answered when we look at this in the context of how this is done in the remoting framework. -
3. Re: Detached invokers are too detached from the transport
tom.elrod May 3, 2006 1:16 PM (in response to starksm64)Have added support for adding a HandshakeCompletedListener to the remoting code, so can now get callback when ssl session handshake finished (per JBREM-314).
Still need to add support at the invocation layer (per JBREM-298). However, am not sure how (or even if) this should really be done. Ideally, would like this behavior to be introduced via an interceptor that the user could add. Only problem is that the ejb invoker does not expose a way to do this currently. Any ideas on a generic way to do this? -
4. Re: Detached invokers are too detached from the transport
starksm64 May 3, 2006 3:04 PM (in response to starksm64)The ssl example illustrates the characteristics that have to be supported.
1. A transport specific socket factory/socket expose context that needs to be integrated
2. These can be used to associate transport level info with the invocation for use elsewhere.
So integration with the transport factory and access to the transport "socket" via a low level interceptor are what is required. What exists today? -
5. Re: Detached invokers are too detached from the transport
tom.elrod May 3, 2006 3:19 PM (in response to starksm64)As of JBossRemoting 2.0.0 (scheduled for release later this month) and already in CVS HEAD, can add a HandshakeCompletedListener via the following code:
Map config = new HashMap(); config.put(Client.HANDSHAKE_COMPLETED_LISTENER, myHandshakeListener); InvokerLocator locator = new InvokerLocator(getTransport() + "://" + host + ":" + port); client = new Client(locator, "mock", config); client.connect();
Upon the client.connect(), myHandshakeListener will get the callback. The question is how to expose this generically at the ejb level? Should just look in the Invocation object for an entry with a key being the same as Client.HANDSHAKE_COMPLETED_LISTENER (or something similar) and then add it to the config map passed to the remoting Client constructor?
Just wasn't sure why we would want to hardcode setting the ssl session id in they invocation payload getting sent over the wire verses having a user create an interceptor to do this? Is the use case for this based on user request or something covered under a spec? -
6. Re: Detached invokers are too detached from the transport
starksm64 May 3, 2006 3:28 PM (in response to starksm64)The generic exposure at the invocation context level is some security or transport related aspect concern. What matters is can this be integrated into the client/server handlers of the remoting layer. If I'm paranoid I have to be able to get the socket and get the cert from it and validate any existing invocation content before letting this get outside of the transport layer where I have no ability to assert that the request came over a channel that was encrypted and authenticated as expected.
This scenario is outside of the remoting layer, but requires configuration of the aspects involved in the ejb proxy. -
7. Re: Detached invokers are too detached from the transport
tom.elrod May 3, 2006 5:42 PM (in response to starksm64)Well, remoting is not going to provide direct access to the socket itself without writing providing a custom implementation of the socket wrapper class and setting it via config (i.e. using clientSocketClass config property). However, if user does provide a HandshakeCompletedListener to remoting client, as stated above, they will then be able to prevent the client from making a call on the socket associated with the handshake callback (by just thowing an exception out of the handshakeCompleted() method). How/why they would do this, I don't care (or need to)... just want to allow them the ability to do this.
So, I think remoting is in good shape in regards to the behavior needed. Now need to know how to integrate this higher up the stack (like in ejb invocation) or if this is even something I need to be responsible for? -
8. Re: Detached invokers are too detached from the transport
starksm64 May 4, 2006 10:11 AM (in response to starksm64)I need to see an example of where one can insert a custom interceptor/handler/aspect into both the client and server side if the transport layer to introduce transport specific into into the invocation. A simpler example than ssl certs would be the client local inet address which is inserted into the invocation being validated by the server side. Can you create a testcase for this?
9. Re: Detached invokers are too detached from the transport
anil.saldhana May 4, 2006 10:48 AM (in response to starksm64)In the long run, I am wondering, will we have testcases to validate binary security tokens on the server side with client side population? The binary tokens include x509 certificates, kerberos tickets, xml tokens(some forms) etc.
10. Re: Detached invokers are too detached from the transport
ron_sigal Jan 2, 2007 11:59 PM (in response to starksm64)How about a generalization of HandshakeCompletedListener:
interface SocketCreatedListener { void socketCreated(Socket socket); }
An instance of SocketCreatedListener could be passed in on the client side:SocketCreatedListener listener = ... ; HashMap config = new HashMap(); config.put(Remoting.SOCKET_CREATED_LISTENER, listener); Client client = new Client(locator, config);
and on the server side:SocketCreatedListener listener = ... ; HashMap config = new HashMap(); config.put(Remoting.SOCKET_CREATED_LISTENER, listener); Connector = new Connector(locator, config);
The client and server invokers would be responsible for calling the listener whenever they create a socket. A customized SocketFactory would probably be necessary for some of the less transparent transports. -
11. Re: Detached invokers are too detached from the transport
starksm64 Jan 3, 2007 3:18 AM (in response to starksm64)That sounds fine.
12. Re: Detached invokers are too detached from the transport
ron_sigal Jan 17, 2007 1:40 AM (in response to starksm64)I have implemented a version of the solution I suggested above and checked it in to the Remoting HEAD and remoting_2_x branches.
1. There are a couple of changes. First, the listener interface, org.jboss.remoting.socketfactory.SocketCreationListener, ispublic interface SocketCreationListener { /** * Called when a socket has been created. * * @param socket socket that has been created * @param source SocketFactory or ServerSocket that created the socket * @throws IOException */ void socketCreated(Socket socket, Object source) throws IOException; }
and there are two distinct configuration keys for incorporating listeners into socket factories and server sockets:
org.jboss.Remoting.SOCKET_CREATION_CLIENT_LISTENER (with value "socketCreationClientListener")
org.jboss.Remoting.SOCKET_CREATION_SERVER_LISTENER (with value "socketCreationServerListener")
The reason for distinguishing these is that the same configuration Map can get passed to both a server and a client. For example, it could be passed to a Connector and then later to a Client used by the Connector to push callbacks. Finally, to support configuration by InvokerLocator or xml, the value of the listener parameter can be the name of a class that implements SocketCreationListener and has a default constructor.
2. The solution works for the following transports: bisocket, sslbisocket, https, multiplex, sslmultiplex, rmi, sslrmi, socket, and sslsocket. It does not work for the http transport and for the server side of the servlet transport. The reason it doesn't work for http is that HttpURLConnection does not expose its socket factory (though HttpsURLConnection does). It should be possible to write a custom http protocol handler for this purpose, but I won't unless is there is a specific request. And invocations with the servlet transport go through a servlet container, which is outside the scope of Remoting.
3. The implementation is based on the classes: CreationListenerSocketFactory, CreationListenerServerSocketFactory, and
CreationListenerServerSocket in the package org.jboss.remoting.socketfactory. CreationListenerSocketFactory wraps the SocketFactory that would otherwise be used, and calls the listener whenever a socket is created. CreationListenerServerSocketFactory wraps the ServerSocketFactory that would otherwise be used, and whenever a ServerSocket is created, it wraps that ServerSocket in a CreationListenerServerSocket, which calls the listener whenever it creates a socket.