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1. Re: Bug in setupClientLease
tom.elrod Feb 28, 2006 1:13 AM (in response to timfox)Ok. Feel free to commit it.
I'm observing a bug in Client::setupClientLease() where the same LeasePinger instance gets scheduled twice resulting in failure.
Looking at the code
ret = invoker.invoke(new InvocationRequest(sessionId, subsystem, "$PING$", configuration, null, null)); if(ret instanceof InvocationResponse) { InvocationResponse resp = (InvocationResponse)ret; Map respMap = resp.getPayload(); if(respMap != null) { Long leaseTimeoutValue = (Long)respMap.get("clientLeasePeriod"); long leaseTimeout = leaseTimeoutValue.longValue(); if(leaseTimeout > 0) { if(leasePinger == null) { leasePinger = new LeasePinger(this); } leasePinger.startPing(leaseTimeout); } } }
Ok. Feel free to commit it.