Ability to restart a Connect with SocketServerInvoker
brian.stansberry Jun 4, 2008 4:35 PMI'm seeing some issues with an AS clustering test that attempts to restart (ie. deploy, then stop(), then start()) a bunch of services. They tie back to restarting an instance of UnifiedInvoker and how it interacts the Remoting classes.
Problem occurs when trying to start a UnifiedInvoker that has previously been deployed:
2008-06-04 12:33:00,382 DEBUG [org.jboss.invocation.unified.server.UnifiedInvokerHA] (RMI TCP Connection(31)- Starting failed jboss:service=invoker,type=unifiedha,partitionName=RestartPartition java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal cache capacities at org.jboss.util.LRUCachePolicy.<init>(LRUCachePolicy.java:77) at org.jboss.remoting.transport.socket.LRUPool.<init>(LRUPool.java:44) at org.jboss.remoting.transport.socket.SocketServerInvoker.start(SocketServerInvoker.java:231) at org.jboss.invocation.unified.server.UnifiedInvoker.startService(UnifiedInvoker.java:140) at org.jboss.system.ServiceMBeanSupport.jbossInternalStart(ServiceMBeanSupport.java:376) at org.jboss.system.ServiceMBeanSupport.jbossInternalLifecycle(ServiceMBeanSupport.java:322) at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor65.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
Looking into this I've found a couple things:
1) The UnifiedInvoker stopService() method has this:
public void stopService() throws Exception { if(serverInvoker != null) { serverInvoker.stop(); } }
That seems broken. The UnifiedInvoker is handed back a ref to the serverInvoker when it registers itself with the connector as a ServerInvocationHandler. AFAICT, that serverInvoker belongs to the Connector, and any other registered handlers will also have a ref to it. So UnifiedInvoker should not be stopping it; the stop of one handler shouldn't affect the other handlers.
2) Seems SocketServerInvoker can't be restarted. If you call stop(), it calls cleanup(), which does this:
maxPoolSize = 0; // so ServerThreads don't reinsert themselves
Thereafter, if you call start(), the max pool size will be less than the min pool size, leading to the exception shown above.