1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 19, 2003 3:42 PM by juhalindfors

    backward compliance


      hi ,
      hope this is the right part of forum.
      my problem:
      i have an application,
      web part(war-ic.war) + ejb part(ejb-jar-ic.jar),
      packed into an ear file.

      packed, btw, with j2ee(sun) deploytool.

      worked with jboss3.0.4.

      does not work , i.e. is not even deployed, with jboss3.2rc3

      how come?

      btw, it would be really nice to have a j2ee like deploytool. editing all those xml files and working with jar through all those hierarchies to pack is really a hazzle.

      anybody care to comment?