0 Replies Latest reply on Aug 27, 2003 7:49 AM by roomy

    Duplicate classes in different EARs


      I got a problem with JBoss > 3.0.6 (3.2.1 and 4DR) .I got the Problem that i programmed some library classes as source.
      Those classes i use for 2 Projekts of mine. I do NOT use a Jar for the compiled library classes. I use and compile them into each projekt as source. (extra source branch).

      For each Projekt i build an Ear File containing several jars (holding EJBs). I deploy both Ears in a single JBoss 3.2.1 Instance. Not Clustering etc. Simple default Deploy.

      In each Ear File is at least ONE jar File containing my compiled classes from the Lib. These jar files contain EJBs (Session, Entity) that use some of those LIB-Classes as Parameters or Return Values.

      While Deployment under JBoss 3.2.1 and 4 DR i first get a Warning that a specific class (One of my library classes) is contained in two different ears.
      Then i get an Error that one of my EJBs is not conform to the specs because the methods of the Remote Interface do not match those in the Bean Class itself.
      Looks like he tries to use a Class from one EAR File in the other EAR File.
      Is this Conform to any Spec?
      I should be able to use the same class in different EAR Files without bundling it as extra JAR?
      JBoss 3.0.6 does NOT have that problem. Works fine !!

      Hope you can help me.
