1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 29, 2003 4:32 AM by juha

    dtd compliance issue



      "jtoynbee" wrote:
      "jtoynbee" wrote:
      I have an application that deploys under BEA WebLogic 7.0. When I try to deploy the same App under Jboss 3.x I get a deployment exception about using an invalid element in the web-app.

      If I remove the following the app deploys:


      If I remove the above the app deploys. Can anyone tell me if this is a JBoss problem? Isn't seesion-config supported? Ironically the exception lists session-config as one of the valid elements!

        • 1. Re: dtd compliance issue


          "juha@jboss.org" wrote:
          "juha@jboss.org" wrote:
          You most likely have an element ordering problem which means the document cannot be validated. The order of the elements in a valid XML document *is* significant.

          Please post the actual exception messages when you're reporting problems. And use the "beginners" forum.

          -- Juha