3 Replies Latest reply on Sep 18, 2004 2:09 PM by starksm64

    TimedObject, JBoss 4,RC1



      according to the ejb-spec 2.1 Timers should be persistent.

      After some tests i do have the impression, that JBoss does not persist Timers.

      Seraching the www did not reveal any hints on this mater.
      I did look at the source code and tried to find out where to enable persistence,
      but i have to commit, that i did not find a solution there.

      So the question is "Does JBoss persist timers, and calls ejbTomeout after a container-crash?"

      If Yes, i suppose this question should have been in "Configuration",
      but, as far as i understood the source there might be a complience problem.

      Any comments are welcome (even "rtfm" if you specife what manual :-) )
      Many thanks in advance.