2. Re: Creating a Theme
mutpup Sep 5, 2004 2:50 PM (in response to mutpup)Determining how to get started. I'm a little lost right now, and the tutorials are a little confusing.
I think there might be a new HTML only way of doing it. But I can't find any info on it.
I would be more than happy to right a step by step from the newbie perspective....If I can get going.
Thanks! -
3. Re: Creating a Theme
theute Sep 5, 2004 4:56 PM (in response to mutpup)You should look at how the other themes are made.
Basically you need to create an HTML file (they are called theme.html in all the existing themes)
In that HTML file you define sections, you will see that the page by itself is not valid, these are part of HTML. For exemple at some point you have to define how to start a table, then how to close one...
When you theme is done you need to add it to jboss-services.xml, again look at how it is made for the other themes. In that same file you need to grant permission to users to pick that theme. -
4. Re: Creating a Theme
mutpup Sep 5, 2004 6:27 PM (in response to mutpup)Alright I think I have a starting off point....Let me throw a couple things together, and I will check back in with a sample theme in couple days.
Thanks! -
5. Re: Creating a Theme
mutpup Sep 13, 2004 7:40 PM (in response to mutpup)Despite the inital outta my element feeling, making these themes seems extremely easy, now I just need to get a handle on how to deploy this into my server.
I have a folder called tutorial
/tutorial/images/images.gif....or whatever
now how to I package this for deployment into my server?
(I basically took the pure example from nukes-1.1.0-RC3-src\nukes\src\bin\nukes-lib-jar\org\jboss\nukes\core\themes\pure
and edited it a little so I could see the difference when I deploy it.
Thanks in advanance for your help! ---using eclipse /w jboss ide, but I don't have to. -
7. Re: Creating a Theme
derfraenkn Sep 20, 2004 10:19 AM (in response to mutpup)Simple build the project whith build.sh or build.bat.
Then put the generated nukes-lib.jar from the nukes/output/lib/ to the deploy/nukes.ear/ directory.
You can also Unzip the nukes-lib.jar to a directory named nukes-lib.jar (with the extension). Then you should can "hot deploy" the theme files without the build procedure.
Frank Ganske -
8. Re: Creating a Theme
derfraenkn Sep 20, 2004 10:27 AM (in response to mutpup)Simple build the project whith build.sh or build.bat.
Then put the generated nukes-lib.jar from the nukes/output/lib/ to the deploy/nukes.ear/ directory.
You can also Unzip the nukes-lib.jar to a directory named nukes-lib.jar (with the extension). Then you should can "hot deploy" the theme files without the build procedure.
Frank Ganske