1. Re: Search block
julien1 Sep 21, 2004 5:37 PM (in response to theute)thomas forgot to say that you can use the index service in your module to make it participate to the global site search engine.
anyway, congrat thomas for the work -
2. Re: Search block
theute Oct 3, 2004 3:40 PM (in response to theute)I updated/improved/fixed the search module.
Now you can do an "advanced search" on selected modules.
- Published and archived news are indexed
- All forum messages are indexed
- All HTML pages are indexed
As cooper stated, it is easy for anyone making a module to make it searchable. When the search and index modules will be stabilized i will write a how-to. But basically there is very few to do so that it is indexed and if it is indexed then it is automatically searchable.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
(it's all in the CVS HEAD) -
3. Re: Search block
fschmid Oct 24, 2004 6:49 PM (in response to theute)Hi,
where can I found the search module.
I looked in the CVS but I can't find something like SearchModule in the Nukes projects. (I'm new to Nukes.)
Frank -
4. Re: Search block
theute Oct 24, 2004 7:20 PM (in response to theute)It is with the core modules.
I am not sure it should be there but for now it is.
It can easily be turned off anyway.
In order to have the search module working correctly you need the modules to be correctly indexed, so you need BB or/and News or/and HTML module(s) from the CVS HEAD.