6 Replies Latest reply on Mar 1, 2005 4:55 PM by dshen

    Portal 2.0 build failure


      I checked out the portal code (jboss-portal-2.0) tonight. Everything looks good.

      By following the procedure inside the user manual, I tried to build the portal (jboss-portal-2.0/build/sh build.sh) and got the following compiling errors. Looks like the classpath is not set correctly inside the build.xml. Is there anything else I need to do to build the portal? My JBOSS_HOME is set correctly.

      Also, I noticed that jregex.jar is missing from thirdparty. I downloaded it myself and put under /jboss-portal-2.0/thirdparty/jregex-jregex.

      Please help. Thanks.


      build.sh: *WARNING* Ignoring environment value for $ANT_HOME
      build.sh: Executing: /c/java/jboss/jboss-portal-2.0/tools/bin/ant -logger org.ap
      Buildfile: build.xml
      Trying to override old definition of task property
       [echo] groups: default
       [echo] modules: format,common,server,api,portlet,cms,core
       == Executing 'most' in module 'format'...
       [depend] Deleted 0 out of date files in 0 seconds
       [javac] Compiling 48 source files to C:\java\jboss\jboss-portal-2.0\format\o
      [execmodules] C:\java\jboss\jboss-portal-2.0\format\src\main\org\jboss\portal\fo
      rmat\parser\entity\XML1_0CharacterEntityReferenceParser.java:11: package jregex
      does not exist
      [execmodules] import jregex.MatchIterator;
      [execmodules] ^
      [execmodules] C:\java\jboss\jboss-portal-2.0\format\src\main\org\jboss\portal\fo
      rmat\parser\entity\XML1_0CharacterEntityReferenceParser.java:12: package jregex
      does not exist
      [execmodules] import jregex.MatchResult;
      [execmodules] ^
      [execmodules] C:\java\jboss\jboss-portal-2.0\format\src\main\org\jboss\portal\fo
      rmat\parser\entity\XML1_0CharacterEntityReferenceParser.java:13: package jregex
      does not exist
      [execmodules] import jregex.Matcher;
      [execmodules] ^
      [execmodules] C:\java\jboss\jboss-portal-2.0\format\src\main\org\jboss\portal\fo
      rmat\parser\entity\XML1_0CharacterEntityReferenceParser.java:14: package jregex
      does not exist
      [execmodules] import jregex.Pattern;
      [execmodules] ^
      [execmodules] C:\java\jboss\jboss-portal-2.0\format\src\main\org\jboss\portal\fo
      rmat\parser\entity\XML1_0CharacterEntityReferenceParser.java:31: cannot resolve
      [execmodules] symbol : class Pattern
      [execmodules] location: class org.jboss.portal.format.parser.entity.XML1_0Charac
      [execmodules] private static Pattern pattern = new Pattern("&#(?:(?:x[0-9a-fA
      [execmodules] ^
      [execmodules] C:\java\jboss\jboss-portal-2.0\format\src\main\org\jboss\portal\fo
      rmat\parser\entity\XML1_0CharacterEntityReferenceParser.java:31: cannot resolve
      [execmodules] symbol : class Pattern
      [execmodules] location: class org.jboss.portal.format.parser.entity.XML1_0Charac
      [execmodules] private static Pattern pattern = new Pattern("&#(?:(?:x[0-9a-fA
      [execmodules] ^
      [execmodules] C:\java\jboss\jboss-portal-2.0\format\src\main\org\jboss\portal\fo
      rmat\parser\entity\XML1_0CharacterEntityReferenceParser.java:35: cannot resolve
      [execmodules] symbol : class Matcher
      [execmodules] location: class org.jboss.portal.format.parser.entity.XML1_0Charac
      [execmodules] Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(chars, offset, length);
      [execmodules] ^
      [execmodules] C:\java\jboss\jboss-portal-2.0\format\src\main\org\jboss\portal\fo
      rmat\parser\entity\XML1_0CharacterEntityReferenceParser.java:37: cannot resolve
      [execmodules] symbol : class MatchIterator
      [execmodules] location: class org.jboss.portal.format.parser.entity.XML1_0Charac
      [execmodules] MatchIterator i = matcher.findAll();
      [execmodules] ^
      [execmodules] C:\java\jboss\jboss-portal-2.0\format\src\main\org\jboss\portal\fo
      rmat\parser\entity\XML1_0CharacterEntityReferenceParser.java:40: cannot resolve
      [execmodules] symbol : class MatchResult
      [execmodules] location: class org.jboss.portal.format.parser.entity.XML1_0Charac
      [execmodules] MatchResult res = i.nextMatch();
      [execmodules] ^
      [execmodules] 9 errors
      nt:91: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.

        • 1. Re: Portal 2.0 build failure

          are you sure you got the right stuff from cvs ?

          use: cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/jboss co jboss-portal-2.0

          • 2. Re: Portal 2.0 build failure


            "mholzner" wrote:
            are you sure you got the right stuff from cvs ?

            use: cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/jboss co jboss-portal-2.0

            To make 100% sure, I am trying it again by copy and paste your command. I defined and used a CVSROOT env variable before. Let's see what will happen. Thanks.

            • 3. Re: Portal 2.0 build failure

              This time, it works. Build succeeds.

              Still can not find jregex.jar though. I thought code in format is using it.

              • 4. Re: Portal 2.0 build failure

                jregex is not used anymore

                • 5. Re: Portal 2.0 build failure


                  Deployed core and forums successfully. The user manual needs to update on two things:
                  1. jboss-remoting.jar needs to be copied from all/deploy/lib to default/deply/lib as well (besides jgroups.jar and jboss-cache.jar).
                  2. changes need to be made on portal-ds.xml if you copy it from core/resources/setup directory.

                  Click through the portal for a while, great stuff. Do have some questions:
                  1. whether or not all the portlet inside jboss porta are using the same authentication/authorization schem? To be specific, whether or not the user portlet/role portlet are controlling the access to the forums portlet?

                  2. what's the difference between "/index.html?page=forums" and "/index.html?_id=page.default.forums"? The second one is a working link (from the menu portlet) and the first one is not working (from the main panel) - page is just simply refreshed. I thought everything should go through "?page=", what's "_id" about?

                  3. can not make forums portlet fully working, e.g. can not click on "new post" link. Is it still under development?


                  • 6. Re: Portal 2.0 build failure

                    The forum is working fine now.

                    I took a short cut before and used setup.ddl and setup.sql from the binary distribution. I ran the build.sh ddl and reran the setup.ddl and setup.sql. It is working well now.

                    Still have question about the "?page=" and "?_id=".