0 Replies Latest reply on Mar 4, 2008 10:12 AM by saranbg2

    rich:componentControl is not supporting the onstop of a4j:st


      <rich:modalPanel id="prg" width="200" height="80" resizeable="false">

      <rich:panel header="Progress">
      <a4j:status id = "stat" startText="Progress....." stopText="Done" />
      <rich:componentControl for="prg" attachTo="stat" operation="hide" event="onstop"/>


      The Rich Component control is having control for a4j:status component, but while stopping that, the text of "Done" will be displayed, but while "onstop" triggering the operation("hide") is not done that is the issue, but the same operation will be happen incase of event be "onmouseover" instead of "onstop"

      Can I any one help me for this