1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 17, 2008 12:00 AM by michaeljharper

    Java FX in the portlet container


      Apologies if this is the wrong place for this but here goes

      We are considering using JavaFX inside the Portal but I've run into a problem in proof of concept when I embedded a working applet using javafx format in a portlet (it works as a standalone web page)

      The error is the invalid magic value, which I understand is a way of saying that the java vm doesn't understand the format.

      Has anybody any ideas what could be causing this?



        • 1. Re: Java FX in the portlet container

          We solved this by having the codebase reference a url rather than a path off the portlet context root it was running in. The fact that it's the same absolute path doesn't matter. A bit of a hack but it works.

          Hope this is useful for anybody else trying to use JavaFX in this way.