Again a mode is just a *view*.
All you want it to do depends on the API you use, see the admin porlet for how to use the internal API (which is always per definition something that can change) for changing instance portlet preferences.
Thanks very much for the reply, Thomas and Julien.
I have downloaded the source and started looking. Got nothing so far, is it possible to get some directions from you guys?
Hi guys
I'm trying to do just the same thing. the problem is that I can't seem to understand which APIs I need to use in order to change the preferences of a global instance definition using the internal APIs.
Some background:
I'm working in a company that had a web application on top of JBoss AS. our new application has been upgraded to work on top of JBoss Portal in order to harness all it's obvious advantages. however, since our application was mostly written on top of an existing and very advanced AJAX and UI framework(called Bindows) we had to use it in order to have our application work on top of the portal with the least amount of changes. in fact, we created a whole new presentation layer using Bindows on top of the portal to allow us to continue to leverage it for rapid development of complex UI based portlets.
One of the drawbacks of the given preferences framework we have in the portal is the fact that these preferences hold no Meta data that can be used to describe custom data types that need more than just "name and value" kind of editor, but rather something more like a wizard or a search tool.
Given that, we decided to have our own meta data repository to complement the existing preferences store.
Now, getting back to the problem at hand: What I would like to achieve is to create a Web Service that through it the administrator will be able to change the preferences of the global portlet instance. this web service will be accessed through an AJAX call on the client side using our custom UI.
Can you please help me understand how to achieve that?