1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 2, 2008 6:22 PM by theute

    where to put new jboss cache/hibernate library?


      We normally use library from AS components (server/$CONFIG/lib). Given that the new JBC/Hib integration library is not in AS and EAP and I do not know which future release of AS/EAP will include this, how do we want to bundle this? Here are options:

      1. Since we no longer put AS bundled with clustered portal for download, this new library would have to go jboss-portal-ha.sar/lib. Otherwise, people would have to download the jar separately and put in their AS/EAP instance.

      2. Wait for this new library to be part of AS/EAP and not worry about this from portal's perspective.

      I say go for 1. WDYT?