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1. Re: a method to get admin roles in RoleModule
sviluppatorefico Feb 15, 2009 4:22 AM (in response to sviluppatorefico)portal hasn't a central system to describe admin roles. It let do to external applications. LDAP has an option 'defaultAdminRole' never used into ldap_identity-config.xml file so it could to be used. But about DB authorization we should to create a new option to know that information. What do you think about a new option 'defaultAdminRole' into identity-config.xml?
2. Re: a method to get admin roles in RoleModule
sviluppatorefico Feb 15, 2009 4:28 AM (in response to sviluppatorefico)defaultAdminRole is into standardidentity-config.xml, so we can to use it for both db and ldap authorization
4. Re: a method to get admin roles in RoleModule
bdaw Feb 16, 2009 4:04 AM (in response to sviluppatorefico)Luca,
Lets do;
Set UserModule.getAdminUsers()
that simply returns all user names from configuration:<option> <name>adminUsers</name> <value>admin1</value> <value>admin2</value> <value>admin3</value> </option>
This a list of "root" users
Set RoleModule.getAdminRoles()
that simply returns all role names from configuration:<option> <name>adminRoles</name> <value>Admin1</value> <value>Admin2</value> <value>Admin3</value> </option>
This is like a list of roles that act similar to "wheel" in Linux
There is unused "defaultAdminRole" in configuration indeed, but it was actually ment to be used for something else. It can be removed. -
5. Re: a method to get admin roles in RoleModule
sviluppatorefico Feb 18, 2009 9:51 AM (in response to sviluppatorefico)ok.... I continue in this manner