Drag and Drop property is not working in JBP2.7.1 as expected. For some portlets it does not work, but when some specific portlets gets added on that same page, DND starts working as expected. Like when we add Weather/CMS Portlet on page first time DnD does not work at all but when 'Identity user portlet' gets added on the page, DnD starts working.
We can simulate this by following these steps:
1) Download new bundled version of JBossPortal 2.7.1 and strat the server
2) Enable DnD property.
3) Go to admin portal.
4) select CMS page. Notice that 'Manage Content' woindow is not dragable.
5) select Members page. Notice that window added on the page is dragable.
6) Now to prove the point further, create a new page in admin portal itself. This new page has 2 column layout by default.
7) Add a weather portlet on this page. Notice that DnD is not working
8) Add CMS portlet on this page. Notice that DnD is not working
9) Add Identity user portlet on this page. Notice that DnD is working fine.
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