1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 27, 2009 10:58 AM by wesleyhales

    How to use<!--<restrict>#{s:hasRole('ACCOUNTANT')}</restrict


      If I use SEAM directly without the PortalBridge I can use Roles defined via our application like:


      In component.xml is via security defined how do deal with login and what to do. But via the PortletBridge I have to use SSO of JBoss Portal. I found the folowing coment:
      public boolean authenticate()
      //This code is not used in portal environment when utilitizing the PortalIdentity bridgelet.

      To get the UserDate to have added instead:
      private Credentials credentials;

      So I have to define all user and relates Roles via the AdminPart of the Portal. I tried to use the s.hasRole('ssss') also via the PortalBridge but I allways got false. All SEAM DemoExamples offered for the Bridge do not use this hasRole Part. How is it possible to work with the Roles via the PortletBridge?

      Kind Regards
      Günther Herndl