11 Replies Latest reply on Jan 28, 2010 5:29 PM by kabirkhan

    DependencyInfo remove items


      How come we never call any of the remove methods on DependencyItem:
      - void removeIDependOn(DependencyItem dependency);
      - void removeDependsOnMe(DependencyItem dependency);

        • 1. Re: DependencyInfo remove items

          How come we never call any of the remove methods on DependencyInfo?

          • 2. Re: DependencyInfo remove items

            For the removeIDependOn() it is because the DescribeAction is buggy :-)

            It should be removing the dependency items in uninstall()
            that it added in install() from the AOP dependencies.

            Of course, nobody noticed because all that would happen is that
            the dependencies would be resolved multiple times if the context is re-installed.

            Besides that case, there are no other occurances of dynamic dependencies
            that I can think of?
            i.e. Where a dependency is added that should be removed before the
            context is uninstalled from the controller.

            The other possible example would be that in principle a user can
            create their own ControllerContext and reuse the AbstractDependencyInfo.
            They may want to abitrarily add/remove dependencies?

            e.g. The JMX controller does the first part (creates a ServiceControllerContext)
            but it has no requirement to remove dependencies. :-)

            • 3. Re: DependencyInfo remove items

              For the dependsOnMe it is NOT being maintained properly.

              Again, this probably doesn't matter, since it is only used when you remove a context.
              See ControllerContext.uninstall()

              IIRC the reason I don't maintain it is because the only place to do so
              could be too early. i.e. in the DependencyItem.resolve() implementations.

              If we removed it at that point, we have only just determined that the dependency
              is no longer resolved, the controller hasn't had chance to act on that information
              yet and so the uninstall() may not work correctly?

              It is certainly something that we should look at tidying up.

              • 4. Re: DependencyInfo remove items
                • 5. Re: DependencyInfo remove items

                  Also shows up in something Carlo pointed out.


                  1 depends on 2, uninstall 2 - is a one line change in AbstractController.uninstallContext(ControllerContext context, boolean trace)
                  It is harder to do:
                  1 depends on 2, uninstall 1 - I need a way to figure out which context 1's dependency on 2 is, and at the moment that is all hidden away in DependencyItem's resolve() methods.

                  • 6. Re: DependencyInfo remove items

                    All tests pass with the below change which I have committed against https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBKERNEL-84. However, I do see a few warnings like this when running KernelAllTestSuite due to DemandDependencyItem not having its iDependOn set. Any ideas on making this more flexible? I kind of wish DependencyItem would record its dependencies somehow...


                    29221 WARN  [AbstractKernelController] Problem finding dependency for AbstractDemandMetaData$DemandDependencyItem@4946101f{name=bean depends

                    On=null whenRequired=Instantiated resolved=false demand=foobar}

                    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Null name

                    at org.jboss.dependency.plugins.AbstractController.getContext(AbstractController.java:520)

                    at org.jboss.kernel.plugins.dependency.AbstractKernelController.getContext(AbstractKernelController.java:150)

                    at org.jboss.dependency.plugins.AbstractController.uninstallContext(AbstractController.java:1477)

                    at org.jboss.dependency.plugins.AbstractController.uninstallContext(AbstractController.java:1391)

                    at org.jboss.dependency.plugins.AbstractController.uninstall(AbstractController.java:704)

                    at org.jboss.dependency.plugins.AbstractController.uninstall(AbstractController.java:617)

                    at org.jboss.test.kernel.lazy.test.LazyInstantiationTest.testLazy(LazyInstantiationTest.java:109)




                    Index: dependency/src/main/java/org/jboss/dependency/plugins/AbstractController.java


                    --- dependency/src/main/java/org/jboss/dependency/plugins/AbstractController.java (revision 100075)

                    +++ dependency/src/main/java/org/jboss/dependency/plugins/AbstractController.java (working copy)

                    @@ -1459,7 +1459,40 @@






                    +            Set<DependencyItem> iDependOn = dependencies.getIDependOn(null);

                    +            if (iDependOn.isEmpty() == false)

                    +            {

                    +               for (DependencyItem item : iDependOn)

                    +               {

                    +                  if (item.isResolved())

                    +                  {

                    +                     ControllerState whenRequired = item.getWhenRequired();

                    +                     if (whenRequired == null || whenRequired.equals(fromState))

                    +                     {

                    +                        if (item.unresolved(this))

                    +                        {

                    +                           try

                    +                           {

                    +                              ControllerContext dependency = getContext(item.getIDependOn(), item.getDependentState());

                    +                              if (dependency != null)

                    +                              {

                    +                                 DependencyInfo info = dependency.getDependencyInfo();

                    +                                 if (info != null)

                    +                                 {

                    +                                    info.removeDependsOnMe(item);

                    +                                 }

                    +                              }

                    +                           }

                    +                           catch(RuntimeException e)

                    +                           {

                    +                              log.warn("Problem finding dependency for " + item, e);

                    +                           }

                    +                        }

                    +                     }

                    +                  }

                    +               }

                    +            }


                              catch (Throwable error)


                    • 7. Re: DependencyInfo remove items

                      To avoid the stack trace, I have changed it to this:


                                                    //FIXME DemandDependencyItems have a null iDependOn
                                                    if (item.getIDependOn() == null)
                                                       log.warn("Null iDependOn for " + item);
                                                       ControllerContext dependency = getContext(item.getIDependOn(), item.getDependentState());
                                                       if (dependency != null)
                                                          DependencyInfo info = dependency.getDependencyInfo();
                                                          if (info != null)
                      • 8. Re: DependencyInfo remove items
                        However, I do see a few warnings like this when running KernelAllTestSuite due to DemandDependencyItem not having its iDependOn set. Any ideas on making this more flexible? I kind of wish DependencyItem would record its dependencies somehow...

                        DemandDI doesn't set it's iDependOn for a reason.

                        Unfortunately I cannot remember the exact reason atm, but it was already discussed on the forum in the past.

                        (if search works a bit better now ...)


                        Flexible in what way?


                        Why would you record something you can/should get from the existing info?

                        • 9. Re: DependencyInfo remove items

                          alesj wrote:


                          Flexible in what way?


                          Why would you record something you can/should get from the existing info?

                          Take this example:


                          1) deploy Context A of class MyClass

                          2) deploy Context B with BY_CLASS dependency on MyClass, and so gets injected with ContextA


                          so far so good


                          3) deploy Context C of class MyClass, deploys fine

                          4) undeploy Context B, which then calls getContext(MyClass). However, now there are two contexts of type MyClass so this call fails.

                          • 10. Re: DependencyInfo remove items
                            I have closed https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBKERNEL-84. If we need some more work on this open a new issue
                            • 11. Re: DependencyInfo remove items
                              Actually, maybe the issue with not being able to clear the DemandDependencyItems could be solved by making the dependsOnMe use a WeakHashMap?