1. Re: Pluggable state transfer factory
manik Jul 6, 2006 5:06 AM (in response to ben.wang)What are you proposing, a getStateTransferGenerator() method on the SPI?
2. Re: Pluggable state transfer factory
brian.stansberry Jul 6, 2006 2:39 PM (in response to ben.wang)There is a JIRA related to this http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBCACHE-465. IMHO the right way to do this is to refactor out all the state transfer code (e.g. _getState and _setState)) into some sort of pluggable state transfer manager not just change how the factory is retrieved. Then PojoCache can have complete control.
This task still says 2.0 -- I thought it was moved to 2.1 as its an internal thing. But for Ben's needs it looks like it needs to be 2.0 anyway. -
3. Re: Pluggable state transfer factory
ben.wang Jul 6, 2006 8:41 PM (in response to ben.wang)Yes, we will be using SPI, then I need the API to overload the state transfer code.
4. Re: Pluggable state transfer factory
manik Jul 7, 2006 6:54 AM (in response to ben.wang)
This task still says 2.0 -- I thought it was moved to 2.1 as its an internal thing. But for Ben's needs it looks like it needs to be 2.0 anyway.
Will you be able to do this in the 2.0.0 timeframe? I hope to release an alpha by the end of the month. -
5. Re: Pluggable state transfer factory
ben.wang Jul 9, 2006 12:14 AM (in response to ben.wang)We can sync up on this. It depends when to migrate the SPI. I am hoping to do it in 2.0 that way if we need to modify any part API we still can. I will need about one week after your finish the API and SPI codes. I have created a Jira to track this effort: