Thoughts on 2.0 API
genman Sep 29, 2006 9:21 PMProbably the boat has already left the dock, but here are some thoughts...
There's org.jboss.cache.factories and org.jboss.cache.pojo.factory, in addition to being inconsistent, I sort of don't like the "ies" look. I also don't like "factory" as a package in general, because I don't think it has enough weight (number of classes and scope of use) to warrant separation. Its use is integral to how a user builds a cache, so it should be immediately obvious where to get it.
I also doubt that having the Factory be an interface is better than an abstract base class. A simple "abstract Cache createCache(...)" that users can replace and a "static Cache createDefaultCache" would be far more useful.
import org.jboss.cache.Cache;
import org.jboss.cache.CacheFactory;
Cache c = CacheFactory.createDefaultCache();
c.put(Fqn.ROOT, "a", "b");
// versus
import org.jboss.cache.Cache;
import org.jboss.cache.factories.CacheFactory;
import org.jboss.cache.factories.DefaultCacheFactory;
CacheFactory cf = new DefaultCacheFactory();
Cache c = cf.createCache();
c.put(Fqn.ROOT, "a", "b");
Having a start parameter, like "Factory { create(Config c, boolean start) }" is sort of hokey... In general, the 90% use case is to create a started cache, if you're going through Java. A "Configuration" could state if a cache should be in started state for the 10% of cases. Example:
Configuration c = ...
c.setStartOnCreate(false); // or something like that
Cache c = CacheFactory.createCache(c);
CacheSPI () { } ... Having a List that can be changed seems better than two additional methods. A List is for adding and removing stuff, right?
CacheSPI spi = ...
spi.getInterceptorChain().add(new MyInterceptor());
// or
spi.getInterceptorChain().add(4, new MyInterceptor());
// or
spi.getInterceptorChain().addAll(4, List l);
I'm also thinking a JSR-77 sort of Statistics class would be in order. Having a grouped bunch means you can add new statistics without changing the CacheSPI interface itself.
Why does Region not have a "CacheListener"? There are 6 methods in CacheSPI for a listener, but none in Region.
I guess what'd be nice is a:
Fqn f;
CacheListener cl;
Region r = Cache.getRegion(f);
// not sure how well defined this might be
I would probably move RegionImpl->Region.
Having interfaces sort of prevents you from extending your API (easily). Again, what's the benefit of an interface over a concrete class in this situation? Region sounds like something you'd want to extend in the future. One scenario is if you had different interceptor configs or cache loaders per region in the future.
The new API needs to justifiable, otherwise your users will simply do this:
TreeCache tc = ...
Cache c = tc.getCacheSPI();
and the hell to your factories ;-)