1. Re: Incorrect serialization of PojoCache collection class pr
brian.stansberry Nov 2, 2006 10:55 PM (in response to ben.wang)This can easily happen -- a pojo with a collection field gets put in the cache, and then some user code hands a ref to the collection to some other object, that object gets serialized (say as part of a response to a remote call); boom!
The case on the other forum post is a bit odd, as the serialization there is occuring due to cache replication itself. That's kind of a bad practice; they should aspectize all their classes. But I think we need to support the generic case where a Collection gotten from the cache gets serialized.
But, I don't think there's any need at all to try to maintain any object relationship or anything when the object is deserialized. So, this kind of thing should work fine:
Example is CachedListImpl:private Object writeReplace() throws ObjectStreamException { ArrayList toSerialize = new ArrayList(); toSerialize.addAll(this); return toSerialize; }
toSerialize is what gets serialized. When deserialized, it's a List, as expected. If the user thought the deserialized list would somehow be the same object as something stored in a PojoCache somewhere (where???), they're not thinking right.
2. Re: Incorrect serialization of PojoCache collection class pr
ben.wang Nov 3, 2006 12:39 AM (in response to ben.wang)OK, when I try to code the proxy class, I had the entity model in mind. I.e., when tyring to do remote call, you should always detach from it entity manager first and then re-attach again later.
I can see your use case here as well for user accidentally to pass in the reference (that's what I said of not transparent). And what you proposed make good sense.
But on the same token, this can be user's expectation that serilization and POJO relationship are still intact on the remote node! Again, this is unintentional but they have no way of knowing it, unless of course we explictly throw an exception. -
3. Re: Incorrect serialization of PojoCache collection class pr
brian.stansberry Nov 4, 2006 8:58 PM (in response to ben.wang)It's too bad there's no obvious way to distinguish the 2 use cases when doing the serialization. 2 use cases being 1) serializing as part of a JBC replication (like in the other forum thread that led to this issue) and 2) other types of serialization like I described above. With the first, I agree, it's easy for the user to get confused and expect some relationship will survive the serialization. Giving them help is not bad. For the second case, if they think that somehow a relationship will survive by magic when a remote cache isn't even involved, well, they're just not thinking at all; I don't feel any strong need to "help" in such a case.
Hmm -- instead of throwing an exception, why not log a WARN and then do the writeReplace? The category logging the WARN is the proxy class, so if people write code where they're doing this on purpose and understand what they're doing, they can just limit the proxy class category to ERROR. -
4. Re: Incorrect serialization of PojoCache collection class pr
ben.wang Nov 5, 2006 9:28 PM (in response to ben.wang)Yeah, sounds good then.