1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 16, 2008 11:10 AM by mircea.markus

    JBC3.x configuration file-WDYT?


      There are many changes related to JBossCache configuration file scheduled for 3.0, so we also redesigned it a bit. You can find our suggested layout here: http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/JBC3Config
      Please take a look and comment, we want it to be as compact and intuitive as possible.
      Note: this sample file contains all the attributes the current file contains, it is not a valid configuration but one intended to highlight the new file structure.

        • 1. Re: JBC3.x configuration file-WDYT?

          Some other notes on changing the the configuration file in 3.x:
          1. Old (2.x) cfg files will still work (translate on the fly)
          2. command line tool will be provided to translate old files on the fly
          3. DTD and schema will be provided to enable validation and editing using appropriate XML tools. (JBCACHE-645 )
          4. Internal semantical validation of the cfg file before startup will also be done.