1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 1, 2005 9:37 AM by fquimbay

    TagLibraries in the JSP file


      Im new to Eclipse JBoss IDE, i have installed Eclipse and Jboss IDE, I have created a project and in that project i have a new .jsp file created,
      In that JSP file if i include the taglib directives example
      <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" prefix="h" %>
      and click the servlet tab, i get an error message saying that " UNABLE TO PARSE THIS JSP"

      pleae help me out, im connected to the Internet.

      Any other configurations or set up needed.

      Im Using Eclipse 3.0.1 and JBoss Eclipse IDE

      Thank You.

        • 1. Re: TagLibraries in the JSP file


          It had the same problem. I commented taglib directors, I changed at sight servlet, I return at sight jsp, uncommented taglibs directors, I keep, and soon I return at sight servlet, and the problem was solved. I suppose that it was a refreshment problem. Soon I see the following problem:

          JSP Parsing Error: La uri absoluta http://java.sun.com/jsf/html no puede resolverse o en web.xml o el los archivos jar desplegados con esta aplicación.

          I'm using Eclipse 3.1M5a, JBossIDE-1.4.1-jre1.5-e31 and jdk-1_5_0_01-linux-i586.