3 Replies Latest reply on Jan 21, 2007 5:39 PM by rob.stryker

    How to declare a jboss 5.0 server in jboss ide 2.0


      Hi all,

      I am currently using jboss IDE 2.0 beta2 to develop EJB2 application for jboss 4.0.x versions.
      I would like to evaluate to port of those applications to EJB3.0 on jboss 5 beta1.

      Declaring the jboss 5 server as a jboss 4 one doesnot succeed, it is not a surprise.

      Is there a procedure or a trick to define a new server familly in the Eclipse IDE to get a new jboss 5 server managed by Eclipse?

      Thanks for help...

        • 1. Re: How to declare a jboss 5.0 server in jboss ide 2.0

          Nope ;)

          What, exactly, doesnt work when trying to start it with a 4.0 definition? Any details you can provide would be helpful.

          • 2. Re: How to declare a jboss 5.0 server in jboss ide 2.0

            I was afraid of your answer, I'll need to be patient...

            Here what's appening:
            When configuring an EJB3 project, libraries must be bound to the right server, so I create a new one :
            Define New server -> Installed runtimes ->Add
            Select Jboss 4.0 Server Adapter Runtime, give name, path,... validate
            The new jboss5 server configuration is created OK.

            But when choosing this new server to bind the libraries, I get the following error:
            The selected configuration("jboss5") does not contains the expected EJB3 libraries, please install JBoss with EJB3 enabled...

            This append also when selecting "all' as server type.

            Project compilation can however be achieved using user defined libs.

            The created server can be managed with the server view.

            Hope this helps...

            • 3. Re: How to declare a jboss 5.0 server in jboss ide 2.0

              Thanks definitely for your feedback and I'll be sure to add that as soon as I can... but no ETA. Sorry =/