8 Replies Latest reply on May 27, 2010 10:04 AM by deckard2501

    jboss 5.1 runtime server is not doploying ear


      A new EAR Application created within eclipse targeting jboss 5.1 runtime does not get deployed on server deploy folder. The servers view show application status as synchronized.
      I am using Eclipse 3.5 and JBossTools-Update-3.1.0.M3-N200909080001-H260. I installed only Jboss Tools, not Jboss Tools Integration or Jboss Tools SDK.
      I am downloading JBossTools-Update-3.1.0.v200909100601N-H270-M3 to check if the problem is still there.

        • 1. Re: jboss 5.1 runtime server is not doploying ear

          I am not able to install JBossTools-Update-3.1.0.v200909100601N-H270-M3. It seems to be something wrong with site.xml. The only available option under Jboss Tools - 3.1.0.v20090901 is XLURunner I think that the jar name is wrong inside site.xml, see:

           <feature url="features/org.jboss.tools.richfaces.feature_v200909100601N-3.1.0.M3.jar" id="org.jboss.tools.richfaces.feature" version="v200909100601N-3.1.0.M3">
           <category name="JBossTools"/>

          meanwhile inside JBossTools-Update-3.1.0.v200909100601N-H270-M3.zip\features\ the name of the jar is org.jboss.tools.richfaces.feature_3.1.0.M3-v200909100601N.jar, without sufix -3.1.0.M3.

          • 2. Re: jboss 5.1 runtime server is not doploying ear

            the updatesite should work - it did for me....could you try again ?

            btw. what do you mean when you say "does not get deployed on server deploy folder" ? Do you mean the folder named deploy in AS or the actual deploy folder pointed to in Eclipse ?

            Since JBoss Tools 3.0 the default deploy folder is no longer inside the AS installation (to avoid messing up a clean AS install) but inside the eclipse workspace - you can of course change that if you want, but check what output folder is setup.

            • 3. Re: jboss 5.1 runtime server is not doploying ear

              Thanks for your reply, I will give the update site a try as soon I get back from a short break.
              About the deploy folder I was realy refering to the AS 'default deploy folder'. I did no know about this 'instalation inside the eclipse workspace'. I was using Jboss Tools 2.1.2.GA. Where can I find more information about that?

              • 4. Re: jboss 5.1 runtime server is not doploying ear

                More information about JBoss Tools 2.1.2 ?

                Read the docs or ask here, but you stated you used 3.1.

                • 5. Re: jboss 5.1 runtime server is not doploying ear

                  I was using 2.1.2, now I am try to use 3.1

                  • 6. Re: jboss 5.1 runtime server is not doploying ear

                    Sorry for the bad english on the previous message and for revisiting this subject after such a long time.

                    I downloaded JBT 3.1.0 - M4, and tried again to publish a simple Seam Web Application using JBoss 5.1 Runtime.

                    The application does not get publish. It is show as synchronized under Jboss 5.1 Runtime but the web application is not available: "The requested resource (/teste) is not available".

                    When I change the runtime to Jboss 4.2.3 it works perfectly.

                    • 7. Re: jboss 5.1 runtime server is not doploying ear

                      Hi All,


                      I am also getting such error where my Jboss 5.1 server is not deplong the applications.

                      The application status is synchronized and not started and even the deploy folder is not having the application WAR file. (I have changed the deploy directory through deployment option)


                      I am using Jboss As tool JBossAS Tools 2.1.0.v201003050540R-H56-GA

                      Please let me know what is the resolution for this?




                      • 8. Re: jboss 5.1 runtime server is not deploying ear

                        Same problem here !


                        Here's my configuration :

                           - Eclipse 3.5.1 (STS)

                           - JBoss 5.1 GA

                           - JBossTools (2.0.2)

                           - JDK 1.5.0_12 for the server

                           - JDK 1.6.0_20 for eclipse


                        I then upgraded JBossTools to 2.1 : same behaviour.


                        Finally, I use JBoss 4.2 with JBossTools 2.1 and everything is fine !


                        Am I the only one having this problem ? Is there any workaround ?

                        Is this a bug in Jboss 5.1 ?


